On 3 December 2024, the ADBA submitted its response to Welsh Sustainable Investment Principles Consultation. ADBA welcomed the Welsh Government’s proposed Sustainable Investment Principles, recognising their alignment with AD technology’s multifaceted benefits in renewable energy generation, soil enhancement, and sustainable waste management.
The principles show strong recognition of nature-based solutions, aligning well with AD’s multiple benefits in terms of renewable energy generation, soil improvement and sustainable waste management. Their emphasis on measurable outcomes provides clear parameters for AD’s quantifiable benefits in waste processing volumes, synthetic fertiliser reduction, and renewable energy generation.
However, a few key gaps still need to be addressed on priority. The principles require stronger emphasis on waste management and organic resource recovery as environmental drivers. We also need clearer guidance on measuring greenhouse gas reduction benefits, particularly for AD’s contribution to decarbonisation. Notably, there is an urgent need to highlight how biomethane faces unfair treatment as if it were a fossil fuel and seek to challenge this bias.
Our consultation response recommended developing AD-specific pathways to promoting sustainable finance frameworks, creating targeted support for farm-based projects, and establishing mechanisms that properly value AD’s multiple environmental benefits. For community projects, we highlighted the need for better support of Small on-Farm AD (SOFAD) facilities and collective investment opportunities.
The AD sector stands ready to support Wales in achieving both its renewable energy and nature recovery goals. The AD technologies uniquely bridge traditional infrastructure and nature-based solutions with multiple co-benefits.
For more information, contact our Policy Team at policysupport@adbioresources.org.
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